9 exercise habits that are destroying your back as you age - Zanskar

9 exercise habits that are destroying your back as you age

There’s no doubt about it: Exercise is amazing for your mind, body, and soul. That being said, physical activity can also put a strain on your body if not done correctly. As you age, your bones and muscles weaken, making it much easier to suffer from an accidental injury. That’s why our pain experts at Zanskar Health are here to break down some of the worst exercise habits that destroy your back so you know exactly what to avoid when it comes time to work out.

Your gym time is precious, and you want to make absolutely sure you’re training properly to avoid straining or injuring your body.

1. You’re starting too quickly with too much weight

First up, it’s crucial to be aware of your limits.

Sports physiotherapy experts at Zanskar Health, explain, “Don’t try to impress anybody (including yourself) at the gym. If you’re new to working out (or even if you’ve been working out for a while), don’t fall into the trap of picking the heaviest weight you can find to see how far you can push yourself. Weight training is all about being progressive.”

Start with a weight you’re able to comfortably handle, and slowly add more weight over the following weeks and months.

2. You’re doing exercises that put too much pressure on your back

“There are some exercises that put a lot of pressure on the back or put curved tension on the spine, and they can make back pain worse or cause new back pain,” our experts explain. Some exercises that put a lot of pressure on your back include sit-ups, overhead presses, and leg presses. It’s better, she says, to gradually increase them, making sure you respect your body’s limitations.

3. You’re performing high-impact exercise without proper equipment

High-impact exercises such as running can also put excess pressure on your spine. And by not having the proper equipment on deck, such as comfortable, high-quality running sneakers, you run the risk of hurting your back. In addition, you want to make sure you’re getting in your strides on a surface that offers a lot of shock, like flat concrete, our experts note.

4. You’re not using correct form

Not using correct form or being mindful of posture is a major no-no.

“A big part of being safe while working out is making sure you’re using the proper form. If you’re not in proper form or you’re lifting something too much with your back muscles and not with your leg muscles, you could end up injuring your back,” Dr. Urkurkar explains. Exercises like deadlifts and squats call for you to utilize correct form in order to reap the benefits. If you’re already dealing with back pain, though, our experts say you may want to steer clear of these moves entirely.

5. You’re not doing a warm-up before or stretching after workouts

Don’t sleep on the importance of warming up or stretching after exercising. Establishing a solid, effective fitness routine includes what you do before and after your main workout.

“Before working out, do some dynamic stretching to loosen the muscles up and get them ready for exercise. And after working out, stretch to relax and elongate the muscles and reduce the risk of muscle strain,” our experts suggest.

6. You’re not getting into or out of exercises correctly

Getting into the habit of practicing total-body awareness is so important.

“We call this proprioception—knowing the location, movement, and action of your body,” our experts explain. “When you have a better understanding of how your body moves and what muscles need to be activated to support the movement the body is performing, (squat, picking things up, walking, running, rotating, etc.) it will help with preventing improper movement which could lead to injury or overuse of the muscles, such as the back.”

7. You’re not engaging your core

You’ve likely been instructed to “activate your core” during certain exercises, but you may not be aware of how to do it correctly. This is necessary in order to avoid overusing your back.

“When your core is not properly activating, this means your body is relying more on your back (its counter muscle) to pick up the slack,” Zanskar Health experts explain. “To encourage building a stronger core, start with simple stabilizing movements such as the ‘dead bug’ exercise. This movement requires you to bring your knees to a 90-degree angle and then alternate bringing one leg down at a time. This movement helps with initial stabilization with the knees at 90 degrees and then working on lengthening the leg and bending it back to help with hip flexor strength as well as core strength.”

When you set your core up for strength, it will help your body move much better and help you perform exercises more efficiently.

8. You’re not building out your workout program

Knowing just the right amount of load/tension/volume is key. Mapping out a workout regimen that gradually increases how much weight is being used, the number of reps being performed, and the amount of tension experienced offers “progressive growth” in your body. This helps you avoid going into an exercise that may be too much for your body to handle, along with suffering from an injury.

9. You’re not getting enough exercise

Probably the most common exercise habits that destroy your back as you age is not getting enough exercise—period.

“Lack of movement can be a contributor to the above information. If you are not using your muscles, you are losing the strength and function of them, which could cause poor posture, the lack of awareness in the body, and not using your core.”

Learn More About Zanskar Health

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You can also gain access to therapeutic exercises and stretches for your condition by downloading the Zanskar Health physiotherapy mobile app. Additionally, you’ll have a personal care team to guide, support, and tailor our program to you, including behavioral and nutritional coaching.

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Medical Review: This article is written by Dr Nishtha Mittal (Senior Health Content Editor at Zanskar Health) and has been medically reviewed by Dr Rashi Goel (Senior Physiotherapist at Zanskar Health). This article and its contents are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice or professional services specific to you or your medical condition.
