Pregnancy Sleep Positions: Tips to Sleep Better, Feel Less Pain, and Be More Comfortable - Zanskar

Pregnancy Sleep Positions: Tips to Sleep Better, Feel Less Pain, and Be More Comfortable

A common advice that every expectant mother receives is to sleep as much as possible. Though well-intentioned, all you can think about when it comes to getting a good night's sleep during pregnancy is, "yeah right" 😑. You're sitting up with heartburn if you're not getting up to urinate. As soon as you lay down exhausted, thoughts of labor, your in-laws' visit, and a million other things start to race through your mind. Additionally, there's that little detail of finding a suitable sleeping position for a growing baby inside of you throughout pregnancy.

~80% pregnant women, in one research, said they had sleep issues. More than 40% of women in their third trimester experience insomnia, or trouble getting or staying asleep, according to another studies.

But sleeping is not a luxury—it's a necessity during pregnancy. Understanding how to arrange oneself in bed to help relieve back pain and other discomforts is a smart place to start when trying to get your body the rest it needs.

Continue reading to find out which sleeping positions are safest to avoid during pregnancy, as well as how physical therapy and lifestyle changes might improve your quality of sleep.

Which Sleep Position Is Ideal During a Pregnancy?

Generally speaking, midway through the second trimester, or after around 20 weeks of pregnancy, medical professionals advise sleeping on your side. Improved blood flow is one explanation. Sleeping on your side relieves the least amount of pressure on your veins and organs and promotes healthy circulation, which may help minimize edema. It can also assist maintain your pelvis in a healthy position and relieve lower back pain. This is significant because, in order to prepare for delivery, your body releases hormones throughout pregnancy that can induce pelvic pain.

Comparing the Left and Right Sides of Sleeping

It's possible that you've read that sleeping on your left side boosts blood flow to the placenta and is therefore preferable to sleeping on your right. On the other hand, studies have indicated that sleeping on any side is secure.

Tips for Enhancing Side Sleeping Comfort

Whether you're new to side sleeping or it's always been your preferred position for a good night's rest, here are strategies to maximize comfort throughout your pregnancy:

  • Establish the habit early on. During the first trimester and up to approximately 20 weeks, sleep positions are flexible. However, if side sleeping isn't your norm, consider adopting it sooner to acclimate before it becomes necessary due to belly size.
  • Transition slowly. When shifting from one side to the other, move gradually to minimize round ligament pain. Sudden stretching of these ligaments connecting the uterus to the pelvis can cause brief, sharp discomfort along the sides of your belly or groin.
  • Utilize pillows strategically. As your body undergoes changes to accommodate your growing baby, you may experience back, pelvic, or hip discomfort in the second trimester. Placing a pillow between your knees and beneath your belly can alleviate these symptoms. In the third trimester, symptoms like shortness of breath and heartburn may arise, and elevating your torso with pillows may provide relief.
  • Consider a pregnancy pillow. These large U- or C-shaped body pillows are specifically designed to offer additional support and alleviate pain in areas most affected by your pregnancy, including the back, neck, belly, knees, and hips.

Sleeping Positions to Avoid During Pregnancy

During the early stages of pregnancy, any sleep position is generally acceptable. However, as you progress into mid to late pregnancy, it is advisable to make adjustments:

  • Refrain from sleeping on your stomach. As your belly enlarges, this position becomes uncomfortable and eventually impractical. If you typically sleep on your stomach, using a body pillow can aid in transitioning to side sleeping for better rest.
  • Avoid sleeping on your back. With the growth of your baby, lying on your back may compress major blood vessels, leading to compromised circulation. Additionally, back sleeping could contribute to backaches, shortness of breath, digestive issues, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and other pregnancy-related complications.

If you find yourself waking up on your back during the night, there's no need to worry. Shifting positions during sleep is common. Simply roll over onto your side (gently) and resume sleeping. If you must lie on your back for an extended period or experience symptoms like heartburn, consider using pillows to elevate your upper body by at least 30 degrees for more comfort.

Additional Recommendations for Improving Sleep During Pregnancy

Prioritize side sleeping. Alongside adopting a side-sleeping position, consider integrating other lifestyle adjustments to enhance your sleep quality:

  • Maintain physical activity: Engage in regular exercise to boost mood-enhancing brain chemicals, reduce stress hormones, alleviate pain, and promote better sleep. Walking for 30 minutes daily can significantly improve nighttime sleep and help ease restless leg syndrome (RLS).
  • Eat dinner earlier: Finish your evening meal at least two hours before bedtime to minimize acid reflux and heartburn. Reduce intake of trigger foods like spicy or fried dishes that can exacerbate heartburn symptoms.
  • Limit fluid intake before bed: While staying hydrated is vital, restrict fluid consumption one to two hours before bedtime if frequent urination disrupts your sleep due to bladder pressure from the baby.
  • Reduce bladder irritants: Avoid foods and beverages known to irritate the bladder to minimize discomfort caused by the baby's movements.
  • Establish a calming bedtime routine: Develop a relaxing bedtime regimen to unwind and promote restful sleep:
    1. Keep a journal to jot down tasks or concerns keeping you awake.
    2. Avoid using electronic devices (and scrolling through social media) close to bedtime.
    3. Take a warm shower or bath.
    4. Engage in guided meditation.
    5. Participate in gentle yoga, stretching, or exercises (such as those offered in the Zanskar Health pregnancy program, accessible on our app).

Pelvic Floor Therapy During Pregnancy

Good sleep is important for overall health, especially when you’re growing a baby! If you're experiencing low back pain, pelvic pain, or round ligament pain that is disrupting your sleep, a pelvic floor physical therapist (PT) can help. A PT can recommend exercises, small adjustments to daily activities and other strategies to improve symptoms.

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a comprehensive treatment that also includes education, behavioral and lifestyle strategies. 

You can see a physical therapist in person or use a program like Zanskar Health to access a PT who specialises in pelvic health via our mobile app.

PT Tip: ‘Pillows Are Your Friends’

Sleeping during pregnancy is essential, but it’s definitely easier said than done. So try to give yourself grace. “Pillows are your friends! Experiment with different sizes and shapes to see what’s most comfortable for you. It can also help to be mindful of your daily routines and make adjustments to activities that cause an uptick in pain or discomfort at night when you’re trying to sleep.” 

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You can also gain access to therapeutic exercises and stretches for your condition by downloading the Zanskar Health physiotherapy mobile app. Additionally, you’ll have a personal care team to guide, support, and tailor our program to you, including behavioral and nutritional coaching.

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Medical Review: This article is written by Dr Nishtha Mittal (Senior Health Content Editor at Zanskar Health) and has been medically reviewed by the medical team at Zanskar HealthThis article and its contents are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice or professional services specific to you or your medical condition.

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